Friday, April 8, 2011

Just some stuff...

Well, today is a Friday just like any other. It somehow feels different to me. Slower. Maybe partially because the sunshine is FINALLY showing its face! I seriously cant wait for summer to arrive, I am ready for hot temperatures and shorts and FLOPS!!! Maybe a pedi would be a good idea first lol. Anyway, its been a while since I have written, only since the 27th, but it feels like its been a long time. My cat is sitting on the floor right now, basking in the sunshine, and being his typical "guy" self :). Lets see...The Life on the vine retreat that Coryann and I went to was amazing. Of course when you go to something amazing like that where God really moves, the enemy gets scared and attacks. Thankfully, we have the best combat weapon known to the spiritual realm....prayer, and Jesus' name :) cause God is bigger than any of those idiots trying to trip us up. I didnt go to bible study on Tuesday, nor was I at the Forge last night. I kind of felt like I skipped out, but for good reason. Tuesday, I met with a friend for tea, and we had a much needed deep discussion. Thursday, er...last night, I needed to be there for a friend in need. And, in turn God blessed us with a wonderful evening. As the tears turned to laughter, and the sorrows turned to joy. Last night was fun, food for the soul...and a LOT of food for the belly too, lol. Well, aside from all of that, math class is going ok. We are starting to get into some things I am not fully understanding, which is scary because I have never been very good at math. I am trying my hardest, and have managed to form a study group. That should help. Lets see...what else? Work is good, God is providing for me as He promised he would. And, right now the future is up in the air, as it should be :) God has been doing some amazing things in my heart, and some major changes, may be to come in my life. I am ready for whatever the outcome. I just know that whatever happens will probably not be very easy, but I am determined to remain in Gods will. I know that the things to come may be a shock to some, not hurtful, just somewhat shocking...and, I am certain, most wont understand....but I have to do what I feel God is calling me to. Now, this is of course IF it plays out the way I have imagined (which usually never happens) so why am I even worried about it? Good question. To that, I dont have an answer... I guess I will just wait and see what God does. And, nothing may change.. I may continue to live my life one day at a time, with God by my side (He will be by my side either way, lol) anyway, thats enough cryptic-ness in one blog, lol. On to the next subject, the bible :) I have been reading the book of Hosea (as per request from a dear friend), and I am enjoying it thoroughly. If you have never read it, it is a beautiful picture of Gods wrath, but then His forgiveness, mercy and grace.. I think it shows beautifully how much God cares about us and wants to be with us as his children. Not to jump around, but I am also reading a book written by Karen Kingsbury titled: A thousand tomorrows. What a great book so far!! I can hardly put it down, thanks gramma ;) well, I know this isnt my typically beautiful blog... but it is a blog nonetheless :) more of a practical "this is whats happening in my life right now" kind of, well, I hope you all have a great day!

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