Sunday, February 20, 2011

Homosexuality and God, rape and abortion. twice in one day? I know, its new and it will probably wear off, but this cant wait. I have to get this out because its saddening my heart. I read a picture that was posted that stated "If that fetus you saved were GAY would you still protect its rights?" In response to that...Yes, I would. Why? Because sexuality is a choice, life isnt. Dont get me wrong, I am not one to judge, I have no room to judge. Its Gods job, if I go around judging people then I am just as bad, as the gay who has never known different. Heres what I think. I think it is sad that Gay people have been so judged and so discriminated against that they have to resort to telling us all that they were just born that way to justify their actions and choice. The fact is, I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I have been fully gay, dated girls, at one point in my life, I even was engaged to a girl. Now, I am "straight as an arrow." Don't judge me, or anyone else for that matter on what choices they make. Thats my belief. It is NOT our job to agree with their choices, it is our job as Gods hands and feet to love them for who they are, not to impose our beliefs on them.. No one was ever able to influence my decisions by judging me, the people who influenced my choices are the people who loved me, for who I was, where I was at at the time. There was a guy, I dont talk about him much but he was an angel, real or not, he was an angel to me. He told me how he saw it, answered my questions in those dark times, but he never judged me. For that I was able to get that small dose of Jesus that I so desparately needed, whether I knew it or not. So yes, I believe it IS a choice, and I believe that us christians need to not be so damn uptight and stuck in our own world that we are incapable of showing people who need it most the love that Jesus came to earth to die for us and show us mercy and grace. If I love people who are "unlovable" who are chosing to be gay, then I am doing what God has asked me, God loves everyone, regardless of the choices we make... He loved me when I was having crazy drugged out orgi's, He loved me when I was down in Los Angeles, CA flaunting my body for all to see, or when I was drunk and staggering down the sidewalk...God loved me during those times, sure He weeped over my choices, but thats just it, they were choices. I wasnt born gay, I was born within His perfect plan, I chose differently. And God met me where I was at, We are called to meet people where they are at, I think it is sad that most christians choose to judge instead.

Now, lets address the other side. I am not one to judge someone for having an abortion either. I do believe that it is murder because the process has started from the moment of conception, however, it is their choice. The reason I am against abortion is because I know what it does to women, some of my close friends have had abortions and I see what it has done to them...I know that God has forgiven them, but some of them dont. and I know how hard it is to get over a rape (if thats your argument). Rape is damaging, and hurtful, it can take near a lifetime to heal from the effects of rape... But to add the guilt and shame of abortion on top of rape can be devastating. Young girls who's brains are not fully developed are making these decisions that will effect them for the rest of their lives, and they dont know the devastating consequences of what theyre doing, yes, everytime they see the baby they will think about the rape and awful things that happen to them, but, I can say from personal experience, that they will think of the rape everyday anyway. They will also think about their baby every day, EVERY DAY. I know there is not a day that goes by that I dont think about my baby boy and how I wish he was here with me. So I believe that people should not set their opinions and judgements on what they have heard, or what they "think" to  be true. If you speak, speak on experience, speak on what you know to be true, do not speak on hearsay. Because people lie, sometimes to themselves.

Thats it, my two cents on the topics of homosexuality and God, rape and abortion.

Don't judge.


  1. The battle between science, religion and Darwin has been talked of many, many times. However, I dont believe its God who judges anyone.
    The only person who is responsible for your actions is yourself. So, personally, I judge myself. Take the quote, "You are what you eat." If something you decide to do is Evil, are you not then, evil? People do what they do, because its who they are. Because youve made a change, i dont believe it changes who you are, however, it starts a new chapter in life.

  2. To say that people cannot change is an ignorant statement. And just shows that you have never been transformed. It says in the bible that God will judge us. God is bigger than personality traits, he is bigger than who we are, he has the ability to completely transform a person, I am living proof of that. If you don believe me, read the bible and you will see that God will judge, and on that day I want to hear "well done my good and faithful servant" not "I never knew you, be gone from this place." Just a quick summary of re response I wrote earlier that got deleted before I had the chance to send it.
