Monday, May 23, 2011

Journey of life...

I wrote this August 20, 2008. So I decided to post it. Enjoy!

the trail she walked was difficult. the first few steps were easy, then it started to get narrow.. there were rocks and twigs, and roots from trees coming out of the ground. as she carried on her legs began to burn from walking up the seemed to become more difficult to climb the hill as time went on. the trail became narrower and she wondered if she would ever make it to the top. as she continued her acsent up the mountain there were places along the trail where the trees were overgrown and hit her in the face with their branches, they left a stinging on her face and red marks where they had hit her. but she continued on. many times along the trail the trail split off in a Y she continued up the steep narrow path as the other trail led back down the mountain it was a wide trail, with cement steps that looked much easier to walk. the trees were trimmed back as to not hit her in the face, and the cement steps had been freshly swept so there were no twigs or rocks for her to lose her step on. but she continued up the trail..she wanted to see what lie ahead of her, and what it would look like from atop the mountain... she carried on, she was frightened as she looked to her left and saw that one small misstep would send her tumbling down the mountain, and she looked to her right into the side of the mountain that was straight up...she continued her journey up the mountain, her legs burning with anger at her for making the muscles stetch and work. she paused for a moment, she was thirsty, as she pulled out a bottle of water from her pack, she drank in the cool crisp water that seemed to refresh her and give her a new energy. she was ready to carry on, the burning in her legs was not as intense. as she trecked on she began to get weak, and she started to trip on the rocks and twigs. the branches seemed to be grabbing at her more, and she reached a place where blackberries grew, over the trail, it seemed to be more the thorns grabbed her and ripped into her side, she had scratches and bruises from tripping and falling down on the hard rocks and twigs on this trail. she got through the first set of blackberry bushes and she paused for here stood not only a bigger bush of blackberries, but the road seemed steeper and there were more she stood on the trail, she couldnt go back down, nor did she think she could go any farther, she looked to her left and there was another Y in the trail, this path was even better than the one before. it was wider than the first, it had baby steps down, and it was even more trimmed than the first, with the feelings of pain and discomfort from the first set of bushes, she decided she could not continue up the trail. so she sarted the baby step trail down. it was so easy, and she felt as if she could do this all day long. as she walked down the hill, the steps began to go from baby steps to bigger steps down, but she didnt care.. anything was better than facing the trail she once bore. as she walked down further in the trail she noticed that there were people down she had been alone on the other trail, she was finally with people, they were all going down the trail together. as she continued down the steps, it began to get dark, she became a bit uncomfortable with not having the son guiding her steps, but she was with other people and having a good they continued down the trail into the darkness, she felt as if they were traveling into a deep dark cave and the walls were closing in.. the people she was with assured her this was the right way to go.. she began to feel scared and alone, eventhough she was surrounded by people. the walls continued to close in on her, it began to feel hot and muggy the air felt so thick that she couldnt get her breath, she thought she was going to die, she changed her mind and tried to walk back up the steps only to find a gate behind her, she was unable to get out. she was thirsty and reached in her pack for her bottle of water. she couldnt find it, it was gone as she searched and searched for it she found it nowhere. she felt the need to escape but didnt know how, so she continued down feeling that there would somewhere be a place of escape...but as she continued down deeper into the cave, she began to forget about the path she once walked and that there was ever a way to get out. as she continued on, and was barely able to breath as the moisture in the air had gotten so thick, she began to feel her breath slipping from her. she started to struggle, but found that there were chains that were holding her down.. she wasnt sure how they got there but she struggled to break free, she was tired of fighting for her life and remembered the trail she once traveled...finally out of desperation, she started screaming. she was crying for fear that no one could hear her.. she screamed once more, this time she screamed "help!!!" to her suprise the cave opened up at the top light was shinning in on her as a hand from above ripped the chains away and lifted her gently from the deep dark cave. her breath instantly came to her, she was sore and bruised with scratches all over her tired body. the hand gently set her down, she let out a sigh of relief... she looked around and found that she was on the trail she had origionally started on, except she was higher up on the trail, she was past the blackberry bushes and the thorns that had weakened her body. she felt relieved that she had been saved from the dark abyss.. she felt around in her pack and her water bottle was there, it had been there all along. she drank of the water and felt refreshed and ready to continue on her uphill journey. as she placed the bottle in her pack, she found that there were clippers for cutting branches and bushes that had thorns. she also found food for refreshment. she had forgotten that she had those tools all along. now well equipped she continued to the top of the hill. she continued to encounter bushes and twigs, but this time she cut them with the clippers rather than being scratched and bruised by them, some of the branches still hit her in the face and left a stinging mark, but the majority of the painful bushes she was able to remove with the proper equipment. as she carried on to the top of the mountain, it seemed to be a bit easier this time.. her legs still burned from the walk, but she was able to rest and find refreshment from her pack. as she walked, she saw people hanging on the side of the mountain, barely hanging on. she threw her rope down to them but they refused it and continued to struggle to hang on.. she cried for them, but they refused so she carried on... her scratches and bruises started to reside, and she found that after time where the scratches and cuts had been there was just scarring. as she reached the final stretch of the climb she noticed that the path became smoother, and the branches were no longer in her way. she noticed that the path turned from a dirt path to one covered in gold. as she walked she removed her shoes, then her pack for she didnt seem to need it anymore. for when she reached the top, there were people, there was food, there was water an everlasting supply. she noticed that there was a beautiful lake. she bathed in the lake, she ate the food and drank the water. she had fellowship with the people and she didnt feel alone. she heard the most beautiful music that was like nothing she had ever heard before. and out of the sky decended this being, she knew instantly it was God. she stood in awe, she couldnt speak He was so beautiful, peaceful, mighty, and gentle all in one. He enveloped the people in Him, and peace came over all, as the entire crowd of people started singing praises to Him, she opened her mouth and out came praises to God...she was happy, she was blessed, she was at peace, and she would live forever in eternity with this magnificent creature.. she would never hurt again.

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