Tuesday, May 31, 2011


She felt like she was barely able to breathe as she lay there. Her eyes still closed, she couldnt find the strength to open them. She felt the hard cement against her back, and the shooting pain up her spine from the offset slant in the table she was upon. She felt dizzy and disoriented, as she tried to lift her head, but couldnt. Next her arms and legs, but they seemed to be imobile, then she felt the tight squeeze of the chains tighten.... How did she get here? She couldnt remember much before, she remembered the life she had lived long before, but it felt like such a long time ago... almost like a dream. She didnt know how she had transformed from the happy life she once lived to this meek existence she now lived. She slowly blinked open her eyes, it was dim, but the light hanging above her was brighter than she expected. It burned her eyes, along with the dust in the air. She looked around and found tools hanging on the walls, tools for torture. She felt the cold bitterness inside the room matched her soul. All around her, she felt the presence of evil, lurking in the shadows... She could hear him slithering, and hissing at her. Whispering things in her ear. "You're fat, ugly, stupid, you will never do anything but lay on your back, I own you..." He hissed. She struggled to break free from the chains that seemed to hold her down, but there were too many. She lifted her head to find chains across her body, bound by giant locks. She was trapped, she struggled, but as she did she felt the chains tighten across her body. It was a suffocating feeling. One that made her yelp, it knocked the wind from her lungs. As she yelped, she jerked her head up and paused...There he was. This gentle, loving, kind, gracious being. He was full of light, He was weeping. She knew him from long ago, but now there was only coldness and bitterness in her soul toward him. As she studied him a bit longer, she noticed he was weeping. Not only weeping, but uncontrollably sobbing. She snapped at him, "Why are you crying?" in a harsh tone. His only reply, was barely audible through his sobbs. "My precious, let...me help...you." She thought to herself, 'how dare he' and bit at him, "NO! I dont need you!!!! I tried it your way and I got burned. Its all your fault. I dont need you! Leave me alone!!!" She laid her head back to rest for a moment, her skin burned from the tightening of the chains, and stung from the scratches embedded in her tender flesh. She was bruised nearly from head to toe, and she was full of anger. She thought back more, and tried to recall how she had ended up in this cave. Here with this being weeping over her, and evil slithering in the shadows. She found strength to lift her head again, and as she looked down over her bruised and broken body, she noticed each chain that tied her down had a label, made of metal, a heavy metal. Each label was engraved with one word. As she blinked to try to focus on the first one, she read it.. "Prostitution", the next one she read aloud "Drugs", and the next "Alcohol", "Sex", "Failure", "Fat" and so on... She saw the labels, and began to cry. She thought to herself, 'how did I let myself get here?!' She became angry, she struggled and pulled and kicked, screamed, and yelled, untill her strength left her. The chains tightened their grip on her. She was growing weak. She laid there, thinking back on the decisions that landed her here, chained up to a torture table, in a dungeon. She became angry, she fought the chains more, they won. Pain shot all through her tender body. She cried, and let out a scream. She raised her head again, looked at the being of light once again. He said to her through his weeping "My dear, all you have to say is help. All you have to say is help!" She screamed back at him. "NO!!! Leave me alone to die! What do you want with me anyway? Im not good for anything but laying on my back! I am fat, ugly, stupid, He owns me... I will buy my way out, I just need more time.  I just need to make more money, then I will be able to buy my freedom!" She didnt want to admit it, but she was scared. She was scared and lonely. She wanted nothing more than to be back where she was before. But she didnt know how, and she certainly couldnt leave. Not being chained up, only being let out to turn a trick, all the while being on a leash, then ripped back into the cave, thrown back on the table and chained up again. She was tired, weary, and ready to give up. She didnt want to do it anymore. Her life was miserable, she wanted to die. She wanted to run away and never come back. She didnt even know who she was anymore... She looked down again at this being of light and love, the hurt, pain and kindness in his eyes. He was silently pleading with her. He didnt have to say anything at that point, she knew he was begging. She started to grow more weary, and as she did, she looked to him. She struggled again, the chains tightened against her fragile body, and she felt a snap. She could barely breathe, she was dying, fear struck her body as she drew in a weak, shallow breath. As she exhaled, she mouthed the words, barely audible over the sound of his weeping sobbs, "Jesus, help." It didnt matter how low of a whispery squeak it was. His head popped up, and he smiled ever so gently. Wiped the tears from his face, rushed to her side, and in one swoop of his hand the chains flew through the air, and she was scooped up into his gentle arms. As she lay there, near lifeless, resting in his arms, her fight was finally over. She felt the strength of him, and somehow, she drew off of it. All she did was rest in his gentle and merciful arms, as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear. She felt her body slowly strengthen, she wasnt sure how it was happening, or what was really happening, but she felt a calm peace slowly come over her. She opened her eyes again, she was still in his arms, she looked up into his magnificent, kind face, and whispered the most precious words he ever heard. "Thank-you Jesus."

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