Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A new year, a new town, a new book to be written

Happy new year! It has been going around today. The new year will hopefully be a blessing to all who are here. I think it is ironic and somewhat funny how everyone asks what the new years resolutions will be. Well, mine are fairly simple. Be a better mom, get my back pain taken care of, lose weight, get more active, continue working on my degree. Simple.

Anyway, I think the holidays always interest me. One of my goals for the new year is to recycle more, come into a way of healthy and whole food eating. Clean eating as they call it. I made some delicious recipes tonight. I made coconut milk, which is actually very easy to make. I also made dairy free/soy free almond joy and mounds :) They're quite tasty if I do say so myself! I have also started making my own chicken stock. As well as my own beef stock. I hope to make fruit gummies for my son, and granola for breakfast. I'll just need to find some good recipes. Someday I would like to create a clean eating cookbook. I think it would be a lovely idea :)

Well, let's move on. I love this new town, however, I have lived my entire life in Portland, OR. Up until 6 months ago when I moved here. I love this town, but I am starting to find myself missing the people I left behind. Being that I am a very social person, I was bound to miss them all. I will say though, I do NOT miss the rain! Lol. Not in the least. I thoroughly enjoy dry days here. I find it difficult to believe that the snow here doesn't melt off, but we have had snow for over a month now. On the side streets and in parking lots. It seems to snow, but then it doesn't melt off. We don't get warm enough in the day for it to melt. I will be grateful when summer comes back around.

Despite my likes and dislikes of this new town, I figured something out. I am on an adventure. God told me before I left Portland, that he wanted to take me on an adventure. I can truthfully and honestly say, this has been the best adventure of my life! Though a lot of people, I feel, were hurt by my leaving. I felt bad that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to a lot of my friends, but I wanted a quiet exit. I did not want to make a big deal about it. I hope that people who I hurt know that I still love them, and I miss them terribly. Anyway, there have been so many ups and downs here. I am loving every minute of it. I recently started painting my nails again. Something a friend of mine instilled in me. Dear sweet friend. She gifted me nail polish and told me to use it, to take time for myself. I heeded her advice almost a year after the fact :) But, I am finding myself again. I have been painting, I have been doing my nails, I have been growing out my hair, and I have been enjoying the sweet, tender moments life brings. I have met some incredible people, and I have had some intensive and healing conversations with people. I have learned to rely on others in my community, and I have learned to keep my mouth shut about certain things. Not everyone needs to know every detail of my life. Such as, I would like to thin I am growing as a person. I am becoming a new breed of Mindy. I am becoming a better mom. I have slowed down. Life here moves much slower than Portland life. There is peace and tranquility here for me. There is rarely traffic, if it is, it's like 3 cars lol. It is splendid. Just splendid. We live 2 blocks from the park, Camden loves to walk to the park. We do that often. Well, we did that often this summer. Winter is proving to be a bit more difficult. But, we are still getting our daily dose of vitamin D :) Life here is just a simpler life. I am finding peace in being Camden's mommy. I am finding love in all the right places for the first time in my life. Things are just good right now. I have a lot of things to be thankful for right now. Peace and joy are filling my soul.

Well, I suppose I could keep writing for a long time. However, I will let it be for now. I think I have said enough.

Peace and love.

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