Friday, June 21, 2013

A fresh start

It has been so long since I have been able to write! I am excited to finally have a computer again. Things are great, Camden and I have moved to Ontario, Oregon to start a new life. Simple life. Peaceful life. Away from the big city that is Portland...I love it here. The sun shines every day, maybe not all day, but every day :) It is so beautiful. It's dry, as in..not sopping wet as Portland is...I am SO loving that part of my new home town. I am at a crossroads. New apartment, new town, new church, new faces, no job. What to do? I have so many options, I could go for the traditional job, bring home a  paycheck and be steady. Yeah, I could try that. But, for right now. I think it's time to try something different, think outside the box. That's not to say that I will, or have stopped looking for a job, but, I have so many other possibilities available to me! For example, Arbonne! I can work this business. If I can book enough parties, and make enough sales, I wont have to go back to work. Some people may think I am an idiot, but for right now, I have a little time. We have a cushion. And, I have a pretty motivating reason to make this work....They say that if you don't really want it, you will find an excuse. But, people who really want it, will make it happen. I think that is so true. I am definitely in a place where I want this to work. So. Research, studying, etc. I have been looking at what it takes to make this business work.

Another option...go back to school :) I was interrupted in a beautiful way by my little man angel <3 LOVE HIM!!! But, now that he is 14 months, why not try to go back to that path. Revisit the idea of getting that degree. So, next week, I will head off to the college to see what is going on over there. What else I need for financial aid, etc. Who knows, maybe there are more grants for a single mom in this town than there were in pdx..

There are just so many non-traditional, non "40 hour a week" life plans I could take right now. Hey, if all else fails, I can always resort to plan B, which would be the mundane 40 hour work week. I just don't feel like I am cut out for that...Sure, I can do it. And to be honest, I am damn good at it. But it's not my passion. I am passionate about other things. Like writing, dancing, my baby boy, living life to the fullest! Why not? Why cant I at least try, right? After all, if I don't try, I will never know...and I will always regret not taking that chance to find out what could have been.

So...wish me luck, 'cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride :)

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