Friday, June 17, 2011

The God who wasnt there

So, I was in the library today using the internet and printing off some copies, then to look for a few good movies to check out. I came across this one titled "The God who wasnt there" by Brian Flemming. Basically a documentary trying to "prove" God doesnt exist. In the end of the movie, he even denies the Holy Spirit. Well, I feel sorry for this guy, when God comes back and Brian is thrown into the pit of hell, and realizes the terrible mistake he has made... Right now, I intend to break down his 62 minute film about why God doesnt exist and simply give my opinion. If youre against opinions (right or wrong) you can stop reading and exit my blog :) I am not going to break down the documentary in great detail, just look at some of the "big" arguments he gives. This is not an attempt to argue or offend, I was intrigued by this documentary and thought I would give my opinion on it...afterall, I am one oppinionated s.o.b :) anyway, in addition, I am no expert on christianity, or any of this stuff. I live by my own experiences with God. I will say this, Brian Flemming is trying to convince people that God doesnt exist, he failed. If anything, this documentary inspired me to do more research later on and strengthened my faith.

His main argument, there is no proof of God existing. Well, my dear friend, that is why its called faith.

Google defines faith : faith/fāTH/Noun
1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. 
Ok, ok...lets go ahead and get into the depths of this guys documentary...
His argument-First he starts off by saying that the earth didnt always revolve around the sun, that the sun revolved around the earth for hundreds of years, that christianity was wrong about the solar system, so maybe theyre wrong about other stuff...
My opinion-To that I would say this. I am no expert on the solar system, so I am not going to dispute that. I will say I am curious as to where he got his "facts" from. I have always been taught that the earth revolved around the sun, in public school... So, if thats what he is basing this whole thing off of...idk.
His argument- In the documentary he interviewed several christians coming out of a church service. He asked them about the life of Jesus. They all seemed happy to share, which is great. He says that the people's faces are all happy when theyre talking about Jesus. Then he says there are other faces of christianity. I.E. Charles Manson who claimed to be Jesus Christ and inspired his followers to kill 11 people.
My opinion- Of course we are happy to share about Jesus, after He gave his life for me, and saved me from death... I am more than happy, I am joyful to share my experiences and what I believe about Jesus. Charles Manson was not Jesus, he was crazy, possibly demon posessed. Who knows what was going through his mind and body when he did that.
His argument- He states in the documentary that the bible started as a fictional story and was transformed by people to become truth.
My opinion- Ever heard of the game telephone? Whisper a secret into someone's ear, then they whisper to someone else, by the time it gets to the end of the circle, the origional word and the end word are shared aloud.. they are usually two totally different things. Lets think about this though. He talked about some of the fictional stories on the internet that later became "based on a true story" type thing. Well, 99% of them are forgotten about as quickly as they come about. The bible, has survived over 2000 years, stating the same thing, the most popular book in the world... kind of puts it in perspective for me.
His argument- The passion of the Christ, by Mel Gibson is ONLY popular because it is bloody.
My opinion- The passion of the Christ, is so popular because it is the closest depiction of what really happened. It gives us a sense of the weight of how much Christ suffered to save us from our sins, and it puts it into perspective for us. It has nothing to do with blood.
His argument- Any religion that supports the de-humanization and mistreatment of homosexuals is wrong.
My opinion- I agree with him here, to an extent. I am not by any means saying I think its right to treat homosexual people wrong. I have many friends who are, and I at one point in my life made the choice to live that way as well. Here is my thought on it. The church, is stupid in this matter. IT IS NOT OUR JOB AS CHRISTIANS TO JUDGE, DE-HUMANIZE, OR MISTREAT HOMOSEXUALS, IT IS OUR JOB TO LOVE THEM FOR WHO THEY ARE!!! The choices they make are theirs to make. Just like we have the choice to love and follow Jesus. How would you like it if someone judged, de-humanized, or mistreated you just because you believe in God?? Guarentee'd answer, you wouldnt! So if you are a person who claims christianity, stop acting in this way! Their choices are between them and God, just the same as your choices are between you and God. Your job, is only to love people. All people, not just the ones who think the same way you do... Now, on the other hand, it does say in the bible that homosexuality is a sin, "You are not to sleep with a man as with a woman; it is detestable." - Leviticus 18:22.  Also in 1 Corintians 6:9 of the NIV, and this being taken from the website

1 Corinthians 6:9

New International Version (NIV)
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a]
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.
This is what the bible says. I agree with it, however, God still loves everyone! His heart is saddened by the actions of people, but that doesnt mean he still doesnt love them. I could go on for hours on this topic, but for my time and your times sake, lets move on.
His argument- There is no scientific evidence. It cannot be proven that Jesus is who he said he is.
My opinion- Thats why its called faith.
Lastly I leave you with a quote from the Doctor of a christian school, who was interviewed by Brian Flemming.
"The height of irresponisbility is to ignore the reality of God and to ignore the person of Jesus Christ" -Dr. Ronald Sipus
Discalimer: This is my opinion. I reccommend you check the data for yourself. The God who wasnt there can be checked out at the Multnomah County Library. In addition, check the bible. 

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